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Our vision is to see Virtues being taught in schools, orphanages or wherever children and youth gather as well as for groups of adults with continuous seminars to training teachers all over the country.



After teaching Virtues in English in a high school for 1 year, we asked the students to write essays anonymously about how the Virtues had affected their lives, or didn’t. When we received them, we were amazed! The Virtues had really affected their lives, at least most of them and we were deeply touched!



The following are excerpts from their essays translated
from English to Bulgarian:
"Virtues are the best way of understanding the meaning of life."
 Добродетелите са най-добрият начин да разберем смисъла на живота.

 "We learned to show that we care... to treat others as we would want them to treat us."


Научихме се да показваме грижа... да се отнасяме с другите така, както бихме искали те да се отнасят с нас.

 "We were studying a lot of qualities of human's soul and behavior.. I learned to control myself'
Научихме много от качествата на човешката душа и поведение... научих се да се контролирам.

"I've noticed certain changes within myself, they definitely have an influence on me. I try to do everything with excellence, before I go to sleep to think about the previous day with satisfaction and pleasure. I think positively and like myself much more."


Забелязах определени промени у себе си. Добродетелите определно ми оказаха влияние. Опитвам се да се стремя към съвършеснтво във всичко, което правя, и така, когато си лягам, мисля за изминалия ден с удоволствие и удовлетвореност. Мисля позитивно и харесвам себе си много повече.

"Virtues are inside us, our soul, our hidden voice... If that idea is practiced all over the world, people would see themselves the same."

Добродетелите са в нас, в душата ни – нашият скрит глас... Ако тази идея се практикува в целия свят, хората ще се приемат като равни.

"Now I think in a different way, when I wake up, I say 'What a beautiful day it's going to be."

 Вече мисля по различен начин – когато се събудя, си казвам :”Какъв чудесен ден ме очаква.”

"I'm a more honest, helpful and caring person."

За да успееш в живота, е нужно да бьдеш тьрпелив, спокоен, сьстрадателен и много лоялен.

"The Virtues classes had an extremely strong influence on me as they helped me realize what my good sides actually are and contributed to improving my weaknesses."

Часовете по добродетели ми оказаха изключително голямо влияние, те ми помогнаха да осъзная добрите си и страни и ми помогнаха да работя върху недостатъците си.


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